Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I love what I do!

It’s taken me long enough to start this blog, now it’s time for me to catch everyone up on what I’ve been doing!  In October, I was honored to be asked to attend the “Main Event” in Laurel.  This was an event hosted by the Parents for a Drug Free Youth created for middle school students in the Laurel and Jones County Schools.  I spoke to the group about the importance of character, leadership, and the importance of making healthy life choices in order to ensure success.  This was one of my favorite speaking engagements because this is an event I remember going to as a middle school student and I truly believe in the purpose of this program.  These students were chosen to attend this event and are future leaders in their school and community.  I was honored to be a part of this day!

After I took my last final of the semester, I went to Laurel Middle School to speak to their 6th and 7th grade girls.  On December 10th I gave my first Confidently You! presentation as Miss Hattiesburg.  So exciting!  These young ladies were so sweet and full of questions!  I haven’t presented Confidently You! since last spring and I was so nervous that I would forget an important main point.  Luckily, it’s like riding a bike!  Talking to a room full of girls about inner beauty and goal-setting is the most rewarding experience for me.  At the end of my presentation, I ask if the girls have any questions for me.  One girl in the back shot her hand up and asked if I knew any Justin Bieber songs.  Lucky for her, I’m a fan!  I sang the chorus to “Baby” (my personal favorite) and the girls took on the role of my back-up singers!  After the presentation, I spoke to several of the girls one on one, autographed pieces of notebook paper (so sweet!), and let almost all 200 girls try on my crown. Those special moments are the ones that I know I will never forget!  I can’t wait for the next school appearance, 2011 is going to be a great year!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you are investing in our young women! They need good role models that show them how to be who they were created to be - a beautiful young woman, not a cheap tinsel imitation looking like it's on the reduced for quick sale rack!
