Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beyond Blessed

This week has been filled with so many blessings and exciting developments, so let me get right to it.  First, I am so excited to announce that I will be holding my second “Confidently You!” Conference this spring!  This conference is a day used to celebrate girls and encourage confidence and healthy habits in the young ladies of the Pinebelt area.  The event is going to be held at Forrest General Hospital from 10-1 on April 16th.  I could not be more excited or proud about this announcement…it is going to be an amazing day!  

This past Wednesday, I went to sit down and visit with Mayor Johnny DuPree to let him know what I was doing as Miss Hattiesburg.  I’m so glad that Mayor DuPree could make time for me in his busy schedule.  In case you didn’t know, he will be running for Governor of Mississippi this year which makes our visit that much more special.  I had a chance to tell Mayor DuPree about my platform, my plans, and my journey to Miss Mississippi.  He was so inspiring and full of encouraging words, it was awesome!

On Friday, I was invited to speak with a very special group of 5th grade girls from PCS.  This was such a fun group to speak to, they were so full of enthusiasm and questions…there was never a dull moment.  These girls were so sweet and absolutely made my day!  One of the great things about speaking to a small group is the fact that the girls can express their own opinions, share stories, and ask very difficult questions.  These girls were so full of insight on topics that impact girls their age and I was able to share very personal stories with them too.  Every time I share my platform with girls it is extremely rewarding for me, but this group of young ladies now have a very special place in my heart! 

One of the things we talked a lot about was the importance of perseverance and how we must push forward and have faith in order to fulfill God’s master plan for our lives.  That conversation inspired my quote for this blog:

“You block your dreams when you let your fear grow bigger than your faith.”

Friday, February 11, 2011

Girl Talk!

Happy Friday!

Another great day as Miss Hattiesburg!  Today I was honored to be the keynote speaker at the “Girl Talk” Event sponsored by the Laurel Junior Auxiliary.  The 8th grade girls from Laurel Middle School were treated to a fabulous day and I was so thrilled to be a part of it.  The Laurel JA outdid themselves on this one!  There were sessions on etiquette, health and wellness, self-defense, future choices, and beauty tips.  This was one of the most enthusiastic groups I have ever spoken to.  They clapped along to all the songs, answered all of my questions, and even laughed at my bad jokes (hehe).  I had a blast, but most importantly I think my message really hit home with some of these young ladies.  Even if only one girl in the audience took my words to heart, I feel like it was time extremely well spent! 

Quote of the day:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
–Marie Curie

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hebrews 10: 35,36

Those who know me know that I LOVE inspirational quotes and stories.  They are such a good pick-me up when we start to lose faith in ourselves and our dreams.  One of the greatest places for me to find inspiration is in the Bible, it doesn't get more uplifting than that!  Here is a verse that I reflect on daily.  Enjoy!

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."  Hebrews 10: 35,36